Sunday, May 25, 2008

Attending CHEMA & Getting Great Quality Time with Other Officers
by Dr. Tom Jackson, Jr., ACPA Vice President 2008-09

Last week, May 23-25, 2008 I attended the Council for Higher Education Management Associations (CHEMA). This is an organization that consists of several groups that are similar to ACPA. You may be familiar with a few of them: NASPA, NIRSA, ACUHO-I, NACE, ASJA, and many others.

What was so wonderful was the opportunity to have valuable quality time to converse and share ideas with other officers within other organizations. Many of the Executive Directors of these associations were also at CHEMA. I learn a great deal about many organizations and gained many ideas on how to help advance ACPA.

What was also impressive was the overall effort by the Louisville Convention and Visitors Bureau. Through their efforts they encouraged several major hotels to complimentary provide the hotel rooms for the events. Each meal was incredible, the hospitality was amazing, and we simply had a lot of fun. While I live in Louisville, and have been here only 1.5 years, I learned so much about the city. This really is a cool city with a lot to offer. Obviously one of the goals for hosting an event like this was to encourage organizations to consider Louisville. It is hard to imagine too many other cities being so supportive of our type of higher education associations. There really is a lot to offer, a lot to do, and many attributes to see. Even the Mayor came out to speak to us. This in a town of 1,000,000. You gotta love it.

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