As we recover from the holiday and move into this New Year it is natural to look back at the past year. Working with ACPA in 2008 was a favorable and constructive experience. Attending the 2008 Summer Leadership Meeting in July was the first of many meaningful and engaging experiences with ACPA this year. ACPA is undoubtedly moving forward and leading student affairs in an exciting direction. The updated (July 2007) ACPA Document on Professional Competencies is an ideal example of this work and organizational direction. This is truly where our field is heading. Through continued meetings, conversation, and decisions ACPA continues to strive to be this leader in Student Affairs and is achieving. It is my honor to be working with the organization.
We look forward to the upcoming 85th annual ACPA Convention in Meto DC this coming March 28- April 1. It will be an amazing experience a time for our profession to show all that it has to offer. Before the convention ACPA’s 11th Mid Managers Institute will be taking place in Louisville this January 11-14. This signature program continues to grow and offer professional development to those interested in staying up-to-date on campus issues and trends.
Working with Dr. Jackson in the coming year, I expect to see continued success of the organization. With the sustainability of the organization always in mind, it is exciting to look back at a successful year and to the prospects of the future. Returning to Paty’s presentation from the Summer Leadership Meeting, the beliefs and drive of the organization make ACPA what it is. I believe in the development our students and of our profession. Because of this I look forward to 2009 and all it has to bring the organization.
I saw The Curious Case of Benjamin Button during the holiday break and was taken by the message of the movie. There were many great quotes and interesting situations presented. I am reminded of a quote from the Benjamin (Brad Pitt's character), “Life can only be understood looking backward. It must be lived forward.” As we look back on the past year and see our progress let us continue to move forward both personally and as an organization.
Gerome Stephens,
ACPA Doctoral Intern to Dr. Tom Jackson