Saturday, February 28, 2009

Technology and Twitter
by Dr. Tom Jackson, Jr., ACPA Vice President 2008-09

I was talking to a dear colleague yesterday who suggested that I be very deliberate about technology as the incoming ACPA President. Shortly after that phone conversation I approached the best techno guy I know - Tim Moore. Tim is always reading something about the latest "something." About 18 months ago he wanted me to look into Twitter, and like all busy people, I didn't think much more about it until yesterday when Tim and I were talking.

Tim suggested I should consider using Twitter to regularly connect to people/members that might be interested in following what I may be thinking, doing, dealing with, or updating. I agreed. So I have activated my account (acpaprez). I have also linked it to this blog. One of these days we will set it up so when I update THIS blog it will also notify those following me on Twitter.

It is weird. Doing stuff like this one has to ask themselves, why? Why would anyone want to follow me and read my random thoughts? Heck, why would I even feel the need to post these thoughts. It is really a bit too "egotistical" for me. Still, I am doing it very reluctantly in large part to demonstrate and embrace these technologies. It also may connect me to the very diverse ACPA membership in a very new way. I am hopeful that members will follow this blog and follow my tweets and feel comfortable sharing with me their thoughts on our profession and association.

Tim tells me that Twitter is addicting. I am not sure about that -- I am not the addiction type. Truth is I text message my closest buddies often. I cannot imagine Twitter becoming our way to stay in touch. That is a scary thought.

I am so excited. I have my first follower on Twitter. It is Tim Moore. Look for more of our efforts to utilize technology. Take care.

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