Wednesday, May 18, 2011

ACPA Moving Forward

It’s been an extraordinary few weeks in the life of ACPA and our members. So much has been happening that it’s hard to believe it has been three full weeks since we learned the outcome of the consolidation vote.

ACPA Executive Director, Greg Roberts, and I held a series of “Savor Chats” following the vote, during which we had the chance to talk with members about their feelings, questions and hopes for the future. Some of the participants were past and current association leaders, but there were also folks at every career level who have not been deeply involved with ACPA in the past. One of the most exciting things to me about these sessions was hearing how many people want to engage to help us move forward. Suggestions included new member outreach, broadly engaging our membership in visioning and goal-setting, re-tooling our member career and placement services, and continuing to extend our connections beyond convention. What else should be on our radar?

This summer we’ll be rolling out new initiatives and renewed programs to address these, and other topics. We are in the midst of linking up members who expressed interest in becoming more involved during the Savor Chats with ACPA leaders and groups that match their interests. One of ACPA’s strengths has always been the fact that members at all levels have the opportunity to be involved and to become association leaders. Let us know the role you’d like to play.

I also have been very aware of all the great work that we’ve been continuing to do to promote professional development and student learning. It seems that hardly a day goes by without hearing about a webinar, symposium or resource that ACPA is offering the profession. As just one example, our Commissions for Alcohol & Other Drug Issues and Wellness just published a resource guide on the risks involved with mixing alcohol and high-caffeine beverages, a dangerous practice with which many of us have been wrestling. We’re all doing great work every day, on our campuses and in our association – let’s be sure we’re sharing those stories!


Monday, May 2, 2011

Get To Know Us!

ACPA and NASPA just concluded a historic vote on consolidation. While the majority from both associations voted to consolidate, the outcome of a single student affairs association has not been realized.

Throughout the two-year consolidation exploration process, and especially in the past few days, we continue to hear from our members their appreciation of all the benefits and outstanding professional development experiences that have resulted from their involvement with ACPA. We believe this is a great time to invite our NASPA colleagues who may not be familiar with ACPA to learn more about our association.

From May 1 to December 31, 2011, we would like to extend a complimentary “Get To Know Us” membership to each current NASPA member. This is a wonderful opportunity for you to send this invite to a colleague across the hallway, campus or country to know first-hand your experiences at ACPA. Ask that they give “Get To Know Us” a try – it’s time they experience for themselves some of the core ACPA values in action – leadership opportunities at all career levels, voting rights for all members, and participation in the generation and dissemination of knowledge that supports our students.

Details of the program and application form (pdf) are available here.

Together with your active involvement, ACPA will:
  • Lead the profession in generating knowledge;
  • Advance social justice on our campuses;
  • Identify and disseminate best practices to promote student learning and development; and
  • Build upon and extend scholarly and practitioner expertise.

Please feel free to contact the International Office at if you need any additional information.

Heidi Levine signature Gregory Roberts signature
Heidi Levine, ACPA President 2011-2012
Gregory Roberts, ACPA Executive Director